Sunday, September 26, 2010

I am getting ready for Florida!!

Getting ready for 60//70 hours of work for the Creperies and for somebody else? Or for my own Place? Guess you will find out next week, when I am in Florida!

Keep looking into my Blog and you will find out......

I wish everyone a nice week and see ya soon.

I will try to relax and hope no Hurricane will come, during the time I am there!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Now it depends!

I gave them an other offer.....

On the End, looks I will end up anyway in Florida for 8 months!??

(This is our famous French Toast! Mmmhhhh.....)

Hope I can make these one day for you ALL.

Feeling today much better!

Now I have to wait again, hope it works out this time. If it doesn't, down the Road it will, some day, eventually. I promise. I stay optimistic.....

I love you all and thank you for reading my Blog, I saw I had over 300 viewers already. That was a pleasant SURPRISE. I have to apologize for my mistakes though.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I made a Proposal!!

Hope we will come to an agreement! I am willing to negotiate.... And I will take care of that Place like my own Baby! lol.

Keep praying and never loose Hope!

I was thinking to go to the Market this Weekend in Geneva, but it all depends how I will feel. This strange Cold or what that is, is dragging along now for a week and it really doesn't get better. My lungs hurt and I have difficulty breathing? I never get sick!!! Why NOW?? I can't use this...........

I am leaving soon for Florida, so maybe I will get better and come home refreshed and start finally my Business.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I have a big Surprise for EVERYONE!

Looks, we won't need to wait any longer Dream to come true?! I will keep everyone posted soon as I know more.

I know it's a short message, but I am so excited, I can not write much more about it!! Not yet....